Sunday, November 9, 2008

11th, 12th, and 13th Day of Thanksgiving..

If you know me well--or know me at all you know how much I LOVE and ADORE my husband and how extremely thankful I am for him!! And of course he is going to be one of the 30 things I am thankful for--and not just because he posted one about me--but because I am VERY thankful for the man God has chosen for me to spend the rest of my life with. However, he deserves a post by himself --not shared with others because of my lack of preparation. :)

Day 11--The other day after I mopped the kitchen floor, I walked to my bedroom for something and came back into the den to find this......

MWC had made a train for her and her "friends" to play in!!! I am so thankful for her imagination!! It is so much fun to watch her play and love to hear her "conversations"!! And by the way...they were going to the North Pole to see Santa!!! **She STAYS in the Christmas spirit!! (Which I love too----except I do get a little tired of the Christmas CD by the month of June!! :) )

I am also so very thankful that we have family that lives near by!! I love when my little girl asks to see her aunts or grandparents on a DAILY basis!! And when we pull up to their house and I hear, "Yea! KayKay is here or Libby is here!!" I love to hear her get so excited when one of them comes over for whatever reason. She gets soooo loud and excited!! And I LOVE that!! I have always told RDC that I want our children to grow up knowing and being close to their grandparents. And the fact that they know and are close to their aunts is an added bonus!!!

Yesterday, RDC and I were able to take MWC to a movie and feel comfortable that she can watch the whole thing. She had a blast!! Eating M&nus---(M&Ms) and sitting in a movie theater--nothing better to a 3 year old. So I am thankful for family movies that we can take our children to see!!!


K Storm said...

How exciting is a train ride to see Santa!

Jeremy and Christy said...

she is so adorable! i am loving the train to see santa!!

Will and Carley said...

All aboard!!
love that sweet baby girl.