Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So MWC has decided....

...that when she gets married that she is going to go the beach as a Garner and then come back home and live in Will's house with him and KayKay!!! :)

As you can tell, there is a lot of wedding talk going on at our house this week!!! MWC is quite excited about being a flower girl and wants to stand BETWEEN Will and KayKay.  Yes, I have tried to break the news to her that she will stand next to me and not between the bride and groom!!!  (But it must run in the family because the flower girl in our wedding wanted to do the same thing!! :) )  

She loves her some Will and KayKay!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

JDC's 1st Easter

You did read that right, this year was JDC's first Easter. (He was born the day after Easter last year.)  And we had a BIG time!! We dyed and hunted some eggs on Saturday since we thought it was supposed to rain on Easter.  MWC did good and even hid some for Daddy and JDC to find. We enjoyed having all the family over on Sunday.  --We missed Grandaddy, KayKay and WLG who weren't able to come.  :(  This year was the first one we 
really talked to MWC about what Easter meant.  She grasps the concept that He died on the cross for her, but she seems to not mention the fact that he rose again!!  We will get there.  :) RDC said she had asked some questions because in her bedtime Bible Story book they were reading about Jesus dieing for us and rising again.  (Isn't that PERFECT God timing?!?!)  Anyway, so we are praying that the Holy Spirit will guide us in answering her questions on an appropriate level that she will understand. We hope that you had a wonderful Easter celebrating that HE did rise again!!!      

                            Didn't she do a good job at hiding the eggs!?!??!  :)

Look what the Easter Bunny left!!!!!

The family---minus a few.  :(

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our Monday night routine

A few seasons ago, MWC fell in love with Dancing People, (Dancing with the Stars).  She loves to watch them dance and of course try to imitate their moves.  (Luckily sometimes she is not able to master the more "riska" ones!!)  But she loves to watch and dance.  So now on Monday nights she puts on her Barbie "princess dress" as she calls it, her "family shoes"( which are those plastic heels for little girls you can buy) and get her Prince (Daddy) and dance away!! They dance, then listen to the judges and then come talk to the reporter (me).  It is so much fun to watch her!!--and to watch her poor prince who does not have a LICK of rhythm in his whole body!!!! :)  

Waiting for the dance to begin.......

....the routine......

and the judges scoring!!!

**I do have some video, but I think I will be in a little bit of trouble with MY prince if I post it on the blog!!!! :)--but trust me...quite humerous...but he and little girl are having so much fun and that is what really matters!!!