Friday, May 2, 2008

I know....I know... has been a while since I have blogged. :( It is not entirely my fault though!! Our Internet has been in and out the last couple of days. Some times it works--and some times it doesn't. But anyway....and my friends were right-you are MUCH busier with 2 children!! I knew we would have more to do--but not quite sure where the day goes. **And by the way with the Internet being down, I realized I don't spend quite as much time on the computer as I thought I did. And it is not the main reason housework does not get done!!! My precious children are. And I would much rather be playing or holding them then doing housework anyway!!!** But things are good. I can't believe JDC is already over a month old. It seems to be going by much quicker the 2nd time around. He is a good baby--but still fussy at times. But luckily no screaming fits!! :) He seems to love to snuggle so I am taking advantage of loving on him every minute I can. He is such the 2nd child though, already going to church, the mall, and out to eat. But it is different than having a December baby. The weather is much nicer!! He is in his bed in his room at night now. The day we moved him, RDC looked at me and said, "if you are not ready, we can wait a little longer." I said, "no, he will have to move eventually." But he is doing great sleeping at night between feedings and going back to sleep quickly after he eats.

MWC is doing great too!!! Paying more attention to him and always wanting to give him his passy. --even if he is not crying! She loves to go over and give him hugs and kisses, and will get upset if she doesn't before bedtime. We are having the typical 3 year old behavior--not wanting to listen or "explaining" why she has to do something we have told her not to do. But it is so much fun to watch her play and imagine with her babies. She still loves to perform with her guitar and microphone she got for Christmas--you never heard, "Away in a Manger" sung until it is sung to rock and roll music. : ) Her big question she ask all the time is not "why" but "what are you doing?" or "what is he/she doing?" MWC has also gotten more lovey/dovey with us--wanting to snuggle more or out of the blue we will get hugs and an "I love you, Mommy/Daddy!" There is NOTHING better than to hear that from her. *I am sure it has to do with JDC getting some attention from us--but whatever the reason, I am not complaining!!!
RDC and I are adjusting to our new lifestyle of 2 children. --Finally getting to talk when we get in bed about 10:30 or 11:00. But we would not trade it for anything. The other night JDC was up quite a bit and we were both SO tired the next day, but after I fed him that morning, he gave us the biggest grin!! And I looked at RDC and we agreed that those sweet grins make all the "hard times" worth it!!
And now for some pictures....(I am sure it is the main reason you are checking our blog!! : )

MWC loves to be outside now that the weather is getting nice and warm. (And baby has to go out too!!)--She loves to be the "mama."

So peaceful!!!


K Storm said...

Good to see your update...but there are more things to do now, huh? You are doing a great job, Mom.

SGS asks "what are they doing/where are they going" all the time too...that car on the street, where are they going? I have to make up answers sometimes just to satisfy that insatiable curiosity.

Will and Carley said...

Awwww, I miss those sweet babies!
I need to hold them BOTH, at the same time, all day long! You and D are doing a great job =)
Love, Love, my sweet family.

Anonymous said...

Always so good to see new pictures. JDC is growing so fast and Miss Priss loves to go outside.


TRP said...

The load won't get lighter, you'll just get stronger and better able to manage. You actually learn how to adjust your need for things like, sleep, time alone, quiet....then when you finally do get some quiet time, you can't stand need those babies..vicious cycle but worth every sleepless night!