Saturday, May 12, 2007

We are so proud of KayKay!!!

Yesterday was a proud day in our family!! Our KayKay graduated from nursing school!! She is officially a nurse. In nursing school, the ceremony is called a pinning ceremony, so we all went and watched her get "pinned". I have to admit, I got a little teary eyed when I watched my baby sister "graduate" and begin a new chapter in her life. She begins her "big girl" job on Monday at a Iocal hospital, but has a few weeks of orientation before she is actually on the floor. I know I speak for our entire family when I say, "I love you, KayKay and I am VERY proud of your accomplishments!!"

And of course the day would not be complete without some pictures!!! :)



Anonymous said...

Yeah, Pookie

We are all very proud of you and your accomplishments.


Will and Carley said...

Awwww, thanks sweet sister for helping it be an EXTRA special day! I LOVE so very much!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, AWC, for keeping track of our family history! You are the best!