Monday, August 27, 2007

Daddy can make anything fun!!!

-----even bath time!!! MWC was about to take a bath tonight and she asked her daddy to take one with her. So being the great daddy he is, he went and put on his bathing suit and hopped in. They were laughing and playing and having a great time!! I went in to tell them "5 more minutes" and a huge look of disappointment came across HIS face!!! Oh well--a late bed time every now and then never hurt anyone!!!


Anonymous said...

My question is, did we take a bath or did we just splash and have a good time with Daddy. Looks like both of them were having the time of their life. WHAT A NEAT DADDY!!! MWC and RDW were both being just kids.


Will and Carley said...

RDC is the BEST Daddy!!

Anonymous said...

you are the best daddy ever rdc!! we love you!! ejw