Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Let's go FASS DADDY!!!!"...

is the phrase I get when we take spins around the backyard after I am finished cutting grass. One of the last times I cut the grass, she sat at the back window and waved at me every time I would swing by the window. She would have a BIG grin on her face and it warmed my heart to see that smile every time I passed by. Toward the end, I noticed that she was not in the window anymore and all of a sudden there her and Momma were. We asked if she wanted to ride and we got an"UUHH HUUH!!!!!" She sat in my lap and off we went. She loved it. I putted around one time to let her know what to expect and them ... that's right ... 5th Gear BABY!!!!!! Her hair started blowin and that smile started growin. She would laugh and wave every time we passed Momma. I think fun was had by all. It has now become the norm of her watching me from the window and then taking a spin after I finish the back yard. As you can see, a good time was had by all.


Will and Carley said...

Look at that little girl go!
What a fun Daddy!!

Anonymous said...

What a Great Daddy!!!! DRC these are the times that you spend with MWC that will ever be in your heart. The memories and feelings you experienced are forever, Cherish Them. "TRUE HEART OF A FATHER". You are a great husband and father to AWC & MWC. Thank You for being the man that you are.


Anonymous said...

RDC, I remember the days when you would ride with your Pop. He was very glad when you got old enough to ride and help cut the yard by yourself.

I wonder if you will ever let MWC cut your yard. Kinda doubt it !


Anonymous said...

What fabulous times...and what wonderful parents!

Thank you for allowing us to share these precious times with you.

Aunt Barbara