Saturday, January 27, 2007

Clean Sweep...

The other day I was about to sweep the kitchen floor when the phone rang. I was in the kitchen talking on the phone when MWC came into the kitchen and started to help. I had already swept a small pile, which is where she wanted to start sweeping. But it was fun to watch her attempt to sweep with the adult size broom!! (I may have a chore helper sooner than I thought!!)


Anonymous said...

WHERE did this child come from!!!??
I LOVE her! Does she hire out? She may have college paid for by the time she's ten!

Anonymous said...

whoa there bebe, i think we should think about kindergarten first!!! that is too cute! love her!! lw

Anonymous said...

the child will be smart enough for college by the time she is ten at the rate she is going!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Genius, she is pure genius!