Friday, July 31, 2009

You would have thought we told her....

..she was going to Disneyworld she was soooo excited!!! A couple of weeks ago, RDC told MWC he was going to take her on a "date".--Just the two of them. He told her they were going to lunch and then to the movies. Well EVERYDAY that next week, she would say something about it. "On Saturday, me and Daddy are going on a date." or "That is the movie Daddy and I are going to see on our date." She could NOT wait. They had a GREAT time!!! I am sure there will be more Daddy/daughter dates in her future!!!

Before they left.....

Lunch at one of her favorite "establishments"...

...and at the movies!!!! (Even though she did not wear the glasses for the movies!)


Will and Carley said...

love it! such a sweet daddy!!

Anonymous said...

I know that they will have many more "dates" in the future.


Stephanie said...

How cute! What a fun time for them!

Anonymous said...

That is something my hubby has tried to do with Sissy...important time for daddy &daughter...lets her know how a young man is to treat her later on too!


Anonymous said...

This does not surprise me AT ALL!
KPS's comment about this being a model for other dates in the future is a profound one. This Daddy is beyond a doubt the most wonderful daddy in the world! What blessed children!
Much love and gratitude to you!
Aunt Barbara