Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3 months old!!

...ok--3 months and 1 day as of today!!! (but you get the idea!!!) :) Well JDC is growing everyday! Not exactly sure how much he weighs--but he still loves to eat!! :) I remember MWC had days where she would just not eat as much. Not JDC--the boy doesn't miss a meal! He is pretty much sleeping through the night. I feed him around 9 and he is down until 4 or 5 depending on how tired he is from keeping up with MWC's schedule. My mom told me my sister, CVW, pretty much took her naps in the van because of what EJW and I were doing and JDC is pretty much following in those footsteps!! He is beginning to laugh and of course we LOVE that sound!! The only thing better is hearing he and MWC laugh together. It is a lot of fun. He has rolled over from his stomach to his back...but maybe only because he was in his bed and was ticked off about me not getting him fast enough. --but whatever the reason he did it and only a few times...nothing consistent yet. But he absolutely ADORES his sister. She can get him to smile in no time flat!! She walks in the room and says something and he is breaking his neck to find her. TOO SWEET to watch this happen. Of course we are adjusting to life with 2 but we are getting the hang of it.

MWC-"how are we gonna drive Mama crazy tomorrow??" JDC---"mmmmm, let's think..."

Holding my head up all by myself!!!


K Storm said...

Love it!!! Too sweet!! I miss those early days when they are too young to start arguing with each other!

Anonymous said...

It just keeps getting better, doesn't it? They are so adorable together and there is much, much fun and joy ahead...not to mention the celebration of each day!
I love you guys!
Aunt Barbara

Anonymous said...

MWC is going to teach JDC all the tricks in the book. We are blessed with those 2.


Deanna said...

I loved those days too. Those days before Little Guy started touching Big Guy's things. They still love each other but now it is in a more territorial kind of way. Ha!