Tuesday, February 6, 2007


MWC loves to play on the slide! When we go to the park, she does that the most. RDC and I have been talking about getting her a slide when it got warm, but today it was so nice she and I went outside to play. But I felt so bad because she does not really have anything to play on. ~And bubbles and balls can only go so far. So we went out tonight and got the slide we had picked out. She was SOOOOO excited!! All the way to the store, she would holler "Swide!" When we got home, of course we had to put it together for her to play on tonight~~~inside!!! :) She loved it!! I think we are going to be "swiding" all day tomorrow.

This is what happened when we told her it was time to stop and go take a bath!


Anonymous said...

OOOO, Fun! And in the summer we can have a Slip-N-Slide! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for the slide! Just like her Aunt Libby and her mama.

Anonymous said...

AWC she looks just like you in those situations.

Anonymous said...

i thought we were not supposed to use real names??? what happened to the 'codes'? looks like she is having fun!! love you guys--EJW

Anonymous said...

Wow.....the slide looks fun....and the outfit looks good on her...
